Improve shoulder function: resistance band barbell wall press

★ Posted on 12-05,2024

< strong>Improve shoulder function: Elastic bandBarbell Press against the wall!

The shoulder is the hub of upper limb movement and the most mobile joint in the human body. The smoothness of shoulder movement is very important during exercise, but the shoulder must be involved in all upper limb movements!

Good scapular function can help you train more smoothly, and at the same time, it can also help you avoid some shoulder injuries!

In various overhead movements (presses, pull-ups, pull-downs), good shoulder function can help your movements proceed more smoothly. When your shoulder mobility is limited, it can cause a series of problems!

Today I’m sharing a great little move to help you improve your shoulder function: wall press with resistance bands!

Put him in your warm-up training and spend a few minutes getting your shoulders into a better position to help you face training better!

Action Demonstration: Use an elastic band, then push the barbell against the wall, press the barbell hard against the wall, and then push upward!

The elastic band is on the arm, and your arm must move outward to resist this resistance

This will help you activate the area around the shoulder armorMuscle groups (rotator cuff muscles, serratus anterior, upper and lower trapezius, rhomboids and latissimus dorsi)! Better stabilize your shoulders and tighten your upper back


When pushing up, be careful not to use your arms, focus on your back muscles. Feel the upward rotation of your shoulder blades until your arms are fully straightened. At this time, your serratus anterior and upper and lower trapezius muscles will be activated!

When pulling down, pay attention to feeling your latissimus dorsi, and let your shoulder blades slowly retract downward, and finally tighten your upper back!

Training Tips:

Pay attention to the position of your shoulder blades and let your shoulder blades move freely

If you feel stuck during the movement Yes, it is recommended to spend some time stretching the thoracic spine and front pectoral muscles. The effect will be better after latissimus dorsi!

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