Quadriceps: 3 seated leg extension variations!

★ Posted on 12-10,2024

The quadriceps is one of the strongest muscles in our body. It is located on the front of our thighs and is a very important player in our sports life. Whether you are running or jumping, climbing stairs, or squatting, you need to use your quadriceps. Quads!

There are many ways to exercise the quadriceps muscles. Today I will introduce to you a very popular quadriceps training device in the gym: the seated leg extension machine

It mainly uses the function of our quadriceps to extend the knee joint when it contracts concentrically!

The operation of the seated leg extension machine is quite simple. It is very easy for beginners to get started and it is easy to find the feeling of thigh muscles!

The following are three variations of seated leg extension exercises!

1. Traditional leg flexion and extension training!

Initial action: Sit on a leg flexion and extension trainer, with the back of your buttocks close to the training bench, adjust the height of the trainer so that the knee joint is aligned with the axis of movement of the trainer, and the angle between the thigh and calf in the starting position is about 90 degrees!

Action process: Use the contraction force of the quadriceps to slowly straighten the legs, maintain this static contraction state, and count slowly 1 or 2 silently in your mouth. Then, put it down.

2. Single-leg action

Single leg training can improve the imbalance of left and right muscle strength! The essentials of action are still the same!

​3. Two legs up and one leg down!

Utilize the characteristics of eccentric contraction that can withstand greater loads: during the concentric phase, straighten both legs upward together, and during the eccentric phase, switch to one leg and slowly lower it back!

Contract your quadriceps and extend your knee joint upwards, stay at the top of the movement for a second, then switch to one leg and slowly lower it back to the starting position

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