A collection of simple and easy-to-practice shoulder exercises for beginners

★ Posted on 02-25,2025

In training movements, the training effect of each movement is different. For example, some movements train shoulders, and some movements train chest. Of course, there are many movements for how a person should train his shoulders. Some people still know what the shoulder training movements for beginners are. So, what are some simple and easy-to-practice shoulder exercises for beginners? Let’s take a look below!

Straight-arm front raise

Straight-arm front raise

1. Starting action, both legs Stand naturally with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell or dumbbell in front of your legs with your hands shoulder-width apart.

2. Start by slowly lifting the barbell or dumbbell forward until it is parallel to the ground, hold for 2 seconds, and then slowly lower it back to the starting position.

3. Generally do 3 groups of 12 to 15 reps each. Choose a weight that is fifty to sixty percent of the maximum weight.

Barbell upright rowing

1. In the starting position, stand with your legs naturally, hold the barbell forward with the backs of your hands, and the distance between the grips should be as narrow as Shoulders, hands dropped to legs.

2. Start by slowly lifting the barbell with your hands close to your body, with your elbows slightly higher than your hands. When you lift the barbell to the front of your neck, pause for 2 seconds, and then slowly lower it back to the starting position.

3. Generally do 3 groups of 12 to 15 reps each. Choose a weight that is fifty to sixty percent of the maximum weight.

Scott Lift

1. Starting action, this action can be done while sitting on a stool or standing. Hold dumbbells in front of your abdomen with both hands, elbow joints bent at about 90 degrees, backs of hands facing outwards, palms facing each other.

2. Start by raising your elbows to both sides, palms slowly downward, pause for 2 seconds when your elbows are parallel to your shoulders, and then slowly return to the starting position.

3. Generally do 3 groups of 12 to 15 reps each. Choose a weight that is fifty to sixty percent of the maximum weight.

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