Jeff Shape Wednesday: Legs

★ Posted on 01-17,2025

Jeff WorkoutVideo:

Wednesday: Leg workout plan


Action 1: Barbell squats: 1 warm-up set, 15 times. There are 4 formal groups, 10, 8, 6, and 4 times respectively.

Leg Press

Action 2: Leg press: 4 groups, 10, 8, 6, 4 times respectively .

[Video] Leg Biceps Femoris Exercise: Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift

Action 3: Dumbbell straight-leg deadlift: 4 groups, 12, 10, 8, and 8 times respectively.

[Video] Leg muscle exercise: seated leg curls and push-downs< /p>

Action 4: Seated leg curl push-down: 4 groups, 15, 12, 10,8 times.

Bent-over leg curl

Action 5: Bent leg curls: 4 groups, 15, 12, 10, 8 times respectively.

Tips:< /span>Jeff is a well-known figure in the American bodybuilding model industry today. Today we bring you his detailed information and his self-introduction. If you want to be as fit as Jeff, you can do it too. The Bodybuilding and Fitness Alliance brings you a glimpse of Jeff. The fitness plan for Friday, you must be prepared to follow this fitness plan!

Name:Jeff SelderJeff? Selder
Born:June 12, 1994
Nationality:United States
Location:Seattle, Washington, USA
Hair:Light brown
Jeff is a young fitness male model who is now well-known in the foreign bodybuilding modeling industry and has established his own team.

Jeff Selder's self-introduction:

On June 12, 1994, I was born in Washington, USA. I have been passionate about sports since I was a child and started my epic physical journey when I was 5 years old.

As exercise helped me throughout my life, I quickly realized that being physically strong and in good shape gave me a greater advantage in the competition. This desire and overwhelming passion to be different than others inspired me to start bodybuilding at the age of 12. It is this passion that is unique and gives me the best motivation. I will try my best to complete every day's training. I think even if I pass away one day, my name will live forever.

In my last year of high school, I was an All-American wrestler, an American football player, and broke many school records. Football and wrestling brought me multiple full scholarships, and nearly all of my college education was planned through athletics. But sometimes life doesn't go the way you expect. Losing the American football game during my senior year shattered my dreams. This was a very frustrating time in my life. Not only was my dream over, but my scholarship was gone, leaving me with the inability to pay my tuition.

But I have been working out for 6 years, and I know I can develop in the direction of bodybuilding. Exactly a year after my first competition, I went on to win the IFBB title, making me the youngest IFBB professional athlete!

Now I am shown in front of everyone as a professional bodybuilder. I am working step by step towards my dream of Mr. Olympia and becoming the greatest man on the stage.

This is just the beginning of my journey, I now meet so many different people in the world and I am so excited for this new chapter in my life! ——Jeff

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